He looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Hebrews 11:10
Abraham left his home, his family, and everything that was N familiar and comfortable to him. God called, and he went.
Verse 8 says that Abraham went out not even knowing where he was going! But then verse 10 reminds us why he was willing to go - he did not know exactly where he was going, but he did know what he was looking for.
He was looking for a city that is built on a firm foundation. The city of Venice, Italy is said to be sinking about one-fifth an inch each year, because of its murky foundation. While Ur, the city where Abraham lived, had no such evident problem, Abraham had faith to see that any place or people that are not built on the solid foundation of God's teaching and character are sure to sink.
So Abraham traded the emotional and physical stability of his hometown for the spiritual and eternal foundation of God's will and purpose. He wanted, above all else, for his life to be built and shaped by God.
Where is your faith? On what is your confidence resting? Do you trust in familiar surroundings, or your bank account, or even your family for your security? Or are you looking to God and building your life on His Word and His leading each day? Is your mind set on things on earth or on things in heaven?
There is no city with lasting foundation here on earth. Have you responded to the upward call of God?
Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to see the glory of your Kingdom, and make me a Kingdom-minded believer.
Scriptural Reading: Hebrews 11:8-12