Lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright. Hebrews 12:16
Any ungodly act-whether it involves substance abuse, sexual immorality, or “stepping on" co-workers to get ahead-- endangers one's future. Even seemingly unimportant choices can impact the rest of our lives. So we should guard against following attitudes, which can lead to sacrificing what is worthwhile for something with no lasting value.
Allowing appetites to rule us—Everyone has inborn needs, such as the desire for food, sleep, and pleasure. While these are natural and God-given, they can become the driving force in our life if we are not careful. Believers should have the spiritual fruit of self-control, which governs these yearnings (Galatians 5:22)..
Being blind to what's truly valuable—The Lord's priorities are contrary to what the world considers important. Unless we guard our heart (Proverbs 4:23), we can easily be lured by pursuits with no lasting worth.
Failing to Consider Consequences—Eve didn't contemplate what might ultimately happen if she ate the forbidden fruit; she focused solely on the immediate benefit (Genesis 3:1-19). Nor did Samson think about repercussions from interactions with Delilah, and he paid dearly (Judges 16:16-23). How easy it is to make a rash decision because of the immediate benefits and suffer long-term for it. The Lord wants us instead to pause, pray, and evaluate the possible outcomes of our actions.
What decisions are you facing? Prayerfully consider what is driving you, and before making choices, think about potential effects of your actions.
Prayer: Lord, guide my heart to make choices that honour you and bring me long-term benefits. .
Scriptural Reading: Hebrews 12:12-17