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And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they were all with one accord in Solomon’s Porch. (Acts 5:12)
We have been studying different expressions of our hands this week; today, we wrap up with a focus on anointed hands.
The term ‘hands of the Apostles’ used in today’s passage does not refer to their physical hands. It refers to the work God did through them. The book of Acts records many signs and wonders that God enabled them to do.
As was the case with the Apostles, God is able to anoint our hands for signs and wonders in the things we do. This includes every area of human endeavour: our workplace, our businesses and various other activities we are daily engaged with. God gives us grace to function, excel and produce results that can be best described as signs and wonders.
Jesus instructed us to lay hands on the sick. This is because the hand of the believer is an extension of the hand of God. What He is able to do by His hand, He has given us grace to do by our hands:
• Our hands can bring deliverance to people just as the Lord’s outstretched hand brought deliverance;
• Our hands are healing hands to touch the world with His hand of healing and power.
Our hands represent our work We must not use our work to cause pain. God’s has anointed our work to build rather than to destroy others. Our work must not bring sickness, pain and misery to people. It must pull people up and help them to fulfill their life’s mission.
God wants to use us to heal a sick world. May you be a conveyor of the grace of God to many people. May every aspect of your work minister the glory, beauty and power of Christ to the world. That’s what your hands have been anointed to do.
May God use you to make a difference in the lives of many.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I present my hands to you. Anoint them and use them to bring healing to many and glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Scripture Reading: Acts 5:1-16