Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; Love her, and she will keep you. - Proverbs 4:6
Wisdom is described as being desirable. Like someone in love, we are urged to pursue wisdom passionately. When you find wisdom, love and exalt her above all others. Do not exchange wisdom for any of her three main competitors - money, power and fame. Solomon prayed for wisdom but after obtaining it, he pursued these three at the expense of wisdom. There are 5 dimensions of wisdom we must pursue.
• Spiritual Wisdom. This is the fear of The Lord. Psalm 111:10 refers to "The fear of the LORD" as the beginning of wisdom. The fear of The Lord manifests in two ways - hatred for or abstinence from wrongdoing and the reverence we have for God.
• Mental Wisdom. This is deep insight into life. Proverbs 6:6 advises the sluggard to observe the ant and learn. Mental wisdom comes by observation and application. The Greeks tended to focus on this aspect of wisdom just as most modern western civilisations do.
• Moral Wisdom. This is about appreciating righteous conduct. It is the ability to tell right from wrong. Moral wisdom makes us live life uprightly, make right choices and rightly utilise resources.
• Practical Wisdom. This refers to creative or practical solutions to problems. The Hebrew concept of wisdom tended to focus on this aspect of wisdom. Practical solutions can be formulated individually or collectively.
• Governmental Wisdom. This involves ruling with fairness and equity. We must manage and lead in our areas of influences. The first place of governance is the home. Don't allow the people you oversee to walk in disorder and say that is how they are. Govern your home, workplace and nation.
Prayer: Father, help me to manifest spiritual, mental, moral, practical and governmental wisdom in all my dealings.
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 4:5-9
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 4:5-9