Preacher : Dr Mensa Otabil
Bible Readings : Genesis 4:1-5
- Gift: a present that is willingly given
- Tribute: payment owed to a higher authority
- Sacrifice: surrendering something of value
- Produce: something that has been grown
- Reward: payment received for work done
- Earnings: income derived from an investment
What they gave...
- Cain: the fruit of the ground-crops
- Abel: first born of his flock and their fat-animals
Abel's Offering was a first fruits offering
- Quantity: first born of his flock
-He gave a lot of animals
- Quality: all the fat from the first born
-He gave the best animals
What our offering establishes
- Identity: the giver is one with what he offers
- Relationship: the offering defines the giver's relationship with God
Genesis 8:15-22
Noah's offering was a first fruit offering
- Gratitude: he offered out of what God had preserved
- Honour: he offered only that which was clean
- Value: he offered something that was rare