Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7
Being merciful can be defined as doing good to someone who doesn't deserve it. Anyone can give people what they deserve. It takes someone full of Jesus to do good to people when they do not deserve it.
Revenge says, “You mistreated me, so I'm going to mistreat you.” Mercy says, “You mistreated me, but I'm going to forgive you, restore you, and treat you as if you never hurt me.” What a blessing to be able to give and receive mercy.
To be merciful is to see the why behind the what.” In other words, mercy doesn't just look at what a person does, but seeks to understand why he did what he did. Being merciful does not mean we don't deal with issues. It means we have a forgiving, understanding attitude while we deal with them.
God is merciful to us, and He is giving us a chance to be blessed by giving mercy to others. Do you ever need God or man to show you mercy? Of course, we all do on a regular basis. The best way to get mercy is to show mercy. Give judgment, and you will receive judgment. Give mercy, and you will receive mercy.
Remember, you reap what you sow. So be merciful!
Prayer: Thank the Lord for His mercy toward you, and ask him to give you a merciful heart toward others.
Scriptural Reading: Matthew 5:1-12