And the LORD said to Moses, "Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to GO FORWARD." - Exodus 14:15
We are wired for progress. God created us to move forward. The design of the human psychology confirms that forward motion is the default. Moving backwards is irregular and an exception. We are also not meant to stand idle doing nothing in life.
God set Israel free after 430 years in exile in Egypt. On their way to the Promised Land, they encountered a number of obstacles on the way. The first major hurdle was an Egyptian army pursuing them while the Red Sea was right ahead of them. This was what you would call an impossible situation. The people immediately turned against Moses and started complaining. Moses replied by assuring them that God would fight for them and they would not see the Egyptians again. At that point, God commanded Israel to stop crying and keep moving forward. God asking them to keep moving forward when they seemingly had no options is a reminder of what to do when we also face such situations.
When confronted by hostility, betrayal, an obstacle or a setback in your finances, friendships, work or some key area of life, instead of idling around crying or complaining, God says we should refocus and keep moving forward. Will it sometimes be difficult? Yes! Will there be temptations to stop and engage in all kinds of verbal exchanges? Definitely!!! But when you make progress your watchword, you will be amazed in the end at how much distance you would have covered because you refused to stop. Refuse to be distracted, stay focused and keep moving forward.
Prayer: Deliver me, Lord, from every form of distraction and help me to stay focused on Your unchanging word.
Scripture Reading: Exodus 14:5-18