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Scripture Reading: Genesis 40:1-23

Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him. - Genesis 40:23

A speaker in a conference once shared how he got an unusual visitor at home one day that he could hardly recognise. The young man reminded him that they had met two years earlier when he had approached him for financial assistance. The man smiled at that point, assuming that the visitor was back to say "thank you." To his surprise, the young man simply said, "I need help again."
Joseph interpreted dreams for both Pharaoh's chief butler and baker. He indicated that in three days, the butler would be restored while the baker would be hanged. He then asked the butler to remember him and plead his case to Pharaoh. As predicted, the butler got his freedom and his job back but uncharacteristically, as he celebrated, he totally forgot about Joseph. You may probably have had experiences of helping people and being forgotten or even disrespected. There will always be people who forget or belittle your kindness to them. There will also be others who show so much gratitude for the least thing you do.
In the divine scheme of things, the butler forgetting Joseph was itself a miracle. Prematurely remembering Joseph's kindness would have resulted in a minor appreciation. Until the big situation that would necessitate his promotion arrived, Joseph was far better off being forgotten. Is it possible that your being forgotten for that promotion is a matter of divine timing? Do not despair in doing good or trusting God. See every good deed as being done unto God and not unto men. Be assured that even though men may often forget your kindness, God who knows your heart will always reward you in due season.
Prayer: Lord, strengthen me to continue doing good and not to be deterred by people's responses.