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Scripture Reading: Genesis 15:1-6
Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be." - Genesis 15:5
Abraham had just taken a bold step, in Genesis 14, of rejecting some war booty from the King of Sodom that he believed would compromise him. God then appeared to him and assured him that He was his shield and exceedingly great reward. Interestingly, God found Abraham inside his tent, probably taking stock of his life. While God painted the picture of his future, Abraham began to question how this could happen.
The view from inside the tent represents the earthly view or perspective. It is limited to or defined by your location or current reality. Any time God speaks, that viewpoint interprets God's word within your immediate constraints. The tent or small-minded outlook places limitations on God. God then brought Abraham outside and totally changed his tent mentality to a heavenly or divine perspective. His immediate situation hadn't changed but he now saw his descendants as many as the stars of heaven. Look NOW towards heaven. See yourself outside your limitations. God wants to show you limitless possibilities.
How to Change Your Perspective
  • See your limitations and challenges from a Bible hero's point of view.
  • Learn from someone who has ethically solved your problem.
  • Read three books that address your problem and summarize the key lessons. 
  • Find and memorise 12 promises in the Bible that speak to your situation.

Prayer: Help me, Lord, to step out of my limitations and to see things from a divine perspective.


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