I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10
Jesus loves me! That's one of the first phrases children learn in Sunday school. But the full impact of it can be hard to grasp. He came to give you life! As our Lord Jesus Christ says in the verse for today, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
It's been said that Jesus will not only add years to your life, but life to your years. The cross of the Lord Jesus Christ is God's plus-sign to us. When the negatives of life come against us, He cancels out all the negatives so that we end up with a plus. He is the Lord who adds to us and restores to us that which the enemy has stolen from us.
Some people think if they give their life to Jesus Christ, He's going to take away all those things that they enjoy. But remember, the only things God asks you to give up are those things that harm and hurt you. Whatever He tells you to give up is not good for you. He knows what is good for us more than we know for ourselves.
The Lord wants to be your plus sign. He wants to give you what no other human being can give you – His love, grace, favour and wisdom. We wants to make your life an addition and not a subtraction. He wants to make you a blessing so that you can in turn be a blessing unto others.
Through Christ, we have access to the good life! Why should we he discouraged? Why should we be distressed? Yes, Jesus loves me - He turns my minuses into pluses.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for turning the negatives in my life to addition,
Scriptural Reading: John 10:7-21