I waited patiently for the LORD; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1
Sometimes it's easier for us to hear "no" than to hear "wait" when we put our requests before God. But the truth is that there are some blessings in this life that we can never receive until we go through a period of waiting.
Why does the Lord keep us waiting sometimes? There could be many reasons, some of which we may never know or understand. In some cases, God needs to do a work in our hearts and lives before He can provide the answer to our prayers. Most often the Lord will not change our circumstances until our circumstances change us.
Sometimes we are kept waiting because God is in the process of orchestrating events, or changing people's minds. What we have to remember is that the Lord does a lot of His best work behind the scenes, and just because we don't see anything happening, doesn't mean that He is doing nothing about our request.
God knows that these waiting periods stretch and strengthen our faith, and that they prepare us for the extraordinary blessings that He has in store for us. The worst thing we could possibly do is to try to control or manipulate circumstances, so that we end up violating God's perfect will and timing. That would only cause us pain, loss, and disappointment.
The truth is that we're going to spend more of our lives waiting on God than we are receiving from Him. That's why the Bible says, "Wait on your God continually" (Hosea 12:6). But how we wait is important to the Lord, and can greatly affect our outcome.
Prayer: Lord, increase my faith and patience to wait on You, for it is through faith and patience that I can inherit Your promises.
Scriptural Reading: Psalm 40:1-5