“So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away. And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them. David recovered all.” 1 Samuel 30:18-19
Divine restoration entails a transformation that brings an overwhelming increase, spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially. When the Lord decides to turn the fortune of a person around, He does it in a unique way that the past shame is totally forgotten.
Divine restoration also means God is interested in your battle and is involved in bringing back all your lost glory. Whatever God is involved in is settled, so if God gets involved in your battle, you can go to bed and sleep because the victory is already yours. The things you thought can never be recovered, He is restoring them back to you now in Jesus' name.
The preceding verses indicate that David had hit rock bottom when he returned to Ziklag and found his home city burned down and everything taken away, including their families. This was by far the greatest tragedy he had encountered, after he ran from Saul as a fugitive.
He faced the rejection of Saul, rejection of Israel, rejection of the Philistines and now the rejection of his workforce who threatened to stone him. He came to the end of himself, and had to turn to God. It was the turning point in his life.
Sometimes we question the source of evil. Is it God's judgment? Destiny? Our mistakes? Or wrong location? Just inquire of the Lord. You might have lost everything you have worked for - your investments, your job, your reputation - but God is still restoring lost resources to His people. Like David, God will strengthen you to pursue and recover all.
Prayer: Lord, strengthen me to run, pursue, overtake and recover all the enemy has stolen from me and my family.
Scriptural Reading: 1 Samuel 30:15-20