Scripture Reading: Joshua 1:1-9
This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. - Joshua 1:8
To 'imbibe' is to absorb or assimilate an idea or body of knowledge. It literally connotes consuming, gulping down or drinking something. After the death of Moses, God gave Joshua a blueprint for success that is timeless and relevant for each of us.
• Meditate on the Word (THINK IT). We are to let the word occupy our hearts and minds. Meditating involves memorising, repeating, or reflecting on the word. Have you ever noticed that cows always seem to be chewing something? Cows are ruminants which have four distinct stomachs. Cows must typically chew their food twice in order to digest it properly. As a result, cows spend nearly eight hours every day chewing their cud or regurgitating. Meditating is somewhat like regurgitating God's word or chewing the cud. We must first consume it, store it, retrieve it and chew it again until it is digested and imbibed in us.
• Speak the Word (SAY IT). We must learn to say what the word says concerning us in every situation. Our confession must not be based on our challenges, limitations or the environment. We must consistently declare that we are who God's word says we are.
• Obey the Word (DO IT). This is the ultimate. God's word must always be our guiding principle. We must closely observe to do what it says and apply it to every situation, choice, temptation or challenge we face.
Prayer: Lord, help me to THINK, SAY and DO what Your word says.