Scripture Reading: Genesis 18:16-33
Then he said, "Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak but once more: Suppose ten should be found there?" And He said, "I will not destroy it for the sake of ten." - Genesis 18:32
Genesis 18 details an important conversation between the Lord and Abraham about the future of Sodom and Gomorrah. Three messengers from God were on their way to the two towns to verify the extent of their sins which had come to the Lord's attention. The Lord was about to utterly destroy them. Abraham then began an intricate negotiation with the Lord starting from 50 and ending with 10 people. His plea was simple. Would the Lord still destroy the city if that number of righteous people were found there? Interestingly, in all six instances Abraham asked, the Lord said He would not destroy the cities for their sake. This is instructive.
Historians have diverse estimates of the total population of Sodom and Gomorrah during the time of Lot. However, the fact that God was willing to spare a whole city because of the presence of a few righteous people speaks volumes. Whether they were ten or fifty is not the most significant thing. The scripture confirms that God can bless and preserve an entire organisation, city or nation because of the presence of one person or a few righteous people.
God preserved Israel because of Moses. Potiphar admitted that his enterprise was blessed because of Joseph. Laban said the same about Jacob. God can prosper your entire household, your organization or even your nation because of you. Determine to make your presence felt where God has placed you.
Prayer: Father, let Your favour be upon my family, my workplace, my church, my city and my nation because of Your covenant with me.