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Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. - Proverbs 9:8
Our lives are progressively built by improvements and corrections we make every day. Some of them may be major and easy to notice while others may be seemingly insignificant but ultimately essential. The various changes cumulatively enrich our lives. It is a priceless blessing to have someone or people in your life who consistently point you in the right direction or help you stay true to God's Word. The process of correction may not always be exciting but it helps shape your life and improve you.
Not everyone embraces correction. It is easy to get defensive and reject any form of correction or rebuke. When that happens, we get offended at the corrector and see the correction as personal. This plays out in our lives everyday as we engage at home, school, work and on social media platforms. We often have our minds made up and therefore do not pause to take advantage of good counsel, suggestions or ideas that could enrich our position.
People who try to correct us when we take wrong positions get treated with mockery or disrespect. The Bible describes as potentially harmful, any attempt to counsel a mocker. Those who seek wisdom must embrace correction. Accepting correction should not be seen as shameful or weak. If you build your life in a continuous learning mode, you always add to your wisdom and get better every day. That is the secret of sustainable success and longevity.
Prayer: Father, surround me with people who will help me to stay grounded in truth. Give me a heart that is receptive to correction.
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 9:7-12