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Scripture Reading: Habakkuk 2:1-4
Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it". - Habakkuk 2:2
Having a vision involves forming “a mental image of what the future will or could be like". A man without a vision is a man without a future; and a man without a future will always return to his past. Do you have a vision?
A godly vision comprises foresight, insight and hindsight. Foresight is like looking through a telescope. It helps you to focus on what is ahead. Insight is like a microscope. It allows you to observe minute details with clarity. Hindsight is like looking through a rear view mirror. You get to see what is behind and review your choices. Habakkuk sets out a blueprint:
  • Write The Vision: An unwritten vision can only pass for a collection of wishes. 
  • Make It plain: Break down your big goals into smaller assignments. Clarity is a prerequisite for effective pursuit.
  • Run With It: Your vision must compel you to move with urgency. You can't have a big vision and relax or stroll passively with it.
  • Set An Appointed Time: Have a time frame for the accomplishment of your vision. You must know whether it's a 10-year or 20-year plan. Be Committed: It will not lie. Your vision must lead to a reality. There must be an unwavering commitment to its realisation.
  • Wait For It: There will be a time lapse between the conceptualisation and actualisation of the vision. Don't be in a hurry. Have patience and persevere until the vision is fully accomplished.

Prayer: Father, I commit my vision for the future into your hands. Help me to accomplish it against all odds.