Scripture Reading: Proverbs 29:17-27
Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law. - Proverbs 29:18
Vision refers to "the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom." A vision guides you and inspires your decisions. Proverbs says without a vision people cast off restraint. That means they live anyhow. A restraint is like the boundaries of a drain. It holds things from overflowing.
Visionless people are unrestrained and often dissipate their time, money, energy and resources on frivolous things. Without a focus on a desirable end, our activities become meaningless. Three masons were asked the same question with varying responses. The first said, "I am laying bricks." The second said, "I am building a wall." The third had the most visionary perspective, "I am building a cathedral for God's glory."
What Does A Vision Do?
- Contradicts my current reality: A vision paints a picture of a brighter future that is often superior to your current situation.
- Confronts our sense of comfort: A vision challenges the status quo and pushes us to make important changes to our time, finances and other choices. You can't have a big vision and continue living anyhow.
- Conceives new opportunities: A vision helps us find ways around the most difficult challenges that confront us.
- Connects us to resources: A compelling vision attracts the needed resources for its accomplishment.
- Concentrates our energy and focuses it on the most important things: A vision does not allow us to dissipate our anger and passion on unimportant exertions and distractions