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But Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept. - Genesis 33:4

Have you ever dreaded a job interview, visa appointment or thesis defense for days and come through it successfully in a few minutes wondering what the fuss was all about? That is what God can do for you when you commit your life into His hands. When God's favour is upon you, the very things that you fear can turn around to work for your good. For several years, Jacob's greatest fear must have been what would happen when he met Esau. Even when he was returning home, he not only prayed but also took pains to strategically arrange his family in anticipation of a possible attack by Esau and his four hundred advancing men.

Eventually, when they met, the reaction was the entire opposite of his fears. The Esau that Jacob had probably had several nightmares about ran to him, embraced him, wept on him, kissed and blessed him. This was a clear manifestation of divine favour. The years Jacob may have spent planning and strategizing seemed to have been an exercise in futility. But was it in vain? Not at all. Indeed it had actually paid off.
Jacob's spiritual and strategic preparation had attracted God's favour. This was only the manifestation of a victory that had been won ahead of the battle. When you commit your ways to God in prayer and act wisely, God will come through for you in your day of trouble and show Himself strong in your life. What is confronting you may look big and fearful but it will melt like wax before you.
Prayer: Lord, may Your favour go ahead of me and turn every hostile situation around for my good.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 33:1-12