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Scripture Reading: Psalm 100:1-5
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. - Psalm 100:4
We live in an era of access codes. Technology requires us to have the right password, fingerprint ID or facial recognition to be able to access our devices, data, cars and even houses or rooms. No matter the functionalities or capabilities a technology has, without the access code, you cannot access it. If you cannot unlock a door, you won't be able to enter a house, even if it is filled with treasures.
This passage shows us the access code to the presence of God. It tells us that thanksgiving is the code for the entry point while praise is for the inner entrance. In other words, the gateway to the house of God's treasures is accessed through praise. It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises unto His name. This is the appropriate protocol for entering His presence. When we observe these protocols rightly, our worship ascends like fragrance or incense before Him and His glory comes down and fills our lives.
If you haven't said "THANK YOU" to God today, is it because you think He's done nothing for you or because you believe you deserve the blessings of life, health, food and family? Some people regard these everyday blessings as insignificant. They take them for granted as products of luck or their own wisdom. However, if you know that everything you are and have are products of God's goodness and mercy, simply say, "THANK YOU, LORD."
Prayer: Father, I thank You for the gift of life, the air I breathe, the food I eat, for my health, my relationships and every other blessing I have today.