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[January 4] SUCH AS I HAVE

Scripture Reading: Acts 3:1-10
Then Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." - Acts 3:8 KJV
In a world full of talent, you need to find your place and know what makes you unique. Peter's first words to the lame man were instructive; "Look at us." What does that mean? You must clearly communicate your presence and what you have to offer. Be confident that you can make a difference. Assure those who look up to you of your ability.

Peter then said what he didn't have - silver and gold. But even more importantly, he defined what he had to offer with the words, such as I have. Identify your advantages. Don't let what you don't have put you down. Don't lose your uniqueness by trying to be someone else. Don't stop running and try to sing because of someone else's talent. Learn from others but don't abandon your gift. So what is my advantage?
  • My Talents. My first source of advantage is my gifts and competence. My natural or God given abilities are supposed to set me apart. 
  • Refinement. The value of a talent is best seen not in its raw state but in the refined state. Unrefined crude has very little value. The difference between an Oprah Winfrey and the local gossip is the refining of raw talent. 
  • Training. Talent alone is not enough. Training builds on your skills and expands your capacity. Developing talent moves you from crowd to the crown. 
  • Temperament. This refers to your outlook or character. The way i am wired is God's gift to me. Appreciate the various characteristics of your make up and how they complement your natural talent.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be conscious of my uniqueness and to appreciate my advantages in life.