But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. Psalm 1:2
I want you to begin to develop an addiction today - an addiction to the Word of God. That may sound odd to you, especially if you don't have much of an interest in the Word right now. But, believe me, it's possible. I've done it myself and I've seen others do it, time and again.
All you have to do is make a decision to give yourself to it. To focus your time and attention on it. The more you give yourself to it, the more your desire for it will grow. Eventually, it will consume your thinking.
Surprised? You shouldn't be. That happens with anything you totally give yourself to. It happens, for example, with people who give themselves to pornography. As they focus their attention on it, the spirit behind it moves in on their consciousness and eventually draws them from mental activity on into physical activity. Finally, they come to a place where they can't be satisfied. They can't get enough.
That same principle works on the positive side when you begin to give yourself to God's Word. You can give yourself to it to the point where it totally consumes your mental and physical life. The more of it you get, the more you want. The Spirit behind the Word, the Holy Spirit, will draw you and lead you closer to Jesus than you ever imagined possible.
I've never yet met anybody walking in faith and power who at some time hadn't developed that kind of addiction by giving themselves totally to the Word for an extended time. I don't mean just a few minutes here and there either. I'm talking about some serious time.
So, determine to do that. Determine to become a “Word addict.” Once you do, you cannot live without it.
Prayer: Lord, help me give myself fully to your word.
Scriptural Reading: Psalm 1:1-6