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If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD your Healer. Exodus 15:26
This was God's first healing covenant with His people. Some Hebrew scholars say this verse should be translated in the permissive tense - "I will allow” instead of “I will put,” in which case it would read, “I will allow none of these diseases upon thee, which I have allowed upon the Egyptians.” God finishes by saying, “For I am the Lord your Healer." The Hebrew says, “I am Jehovah Rapha.” Two or three million children of Israel had left Egypt believing God. They went out of Egypt with silver and gold, and the Bible says there wasn't one feeble person among them.
But God put a few conditions on this covenant between Himself and His people: “If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments...." You see, even back then in the first healing covenant, there was a correlation between hearing and being healed. One of the conditions for receiving the healing benefits of Jehovah Rapha is giving ear to His commandments. There is a direct connection between hearing and being healed.
Also, notice God didn't say, “I will be the Lord your Healer,” or “I was the Lord your Healer.” He said, “I am the Lord your Healer.” We find in James 1:17 that God never changes. James said there is "no variableness, neither shadow of turning” with God. If He was the Lord who healed His people back then, He is the Lord who still heals His people today. He is still saying, “I am the Lord who heals you. I am Jehovah Rapha."
Prayer: Thank you Lord for paying the price for my healing. By your stripes I am healed.

Scriptural Reading: Exodus 15:22-27