To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, And has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Revelation 1:6
You are loved by Jesus. He washed you from your sins in His own blood. No man will be cleaner than one who has been washed in the blood of Jesus. Soap and water only clean the body. The blood of Jesus cleans your soul. Your old life with its past sins is cleansed.
Jesus has made us kings and priests in His kingdom. And the kingdom of God is in us. We have been given authority to use Jesus' name to accomplish God's will in the earth. You are an heir and a joint-heir with Jesus Christ. Royal blood flows in your veins. As a result, you are a partaker of God's divine nature.
Furthermore, God has made you a priest. You are part of the kingdom of priests. As a priest, you are to go before God on behalf of men and go before men on behalf of God.
In the Old Testament, only certain men and women who were anointed as prophets, or prophetesses, and priests could contact God and hear from Him directly. However, in the New Covenant, every believer has received an anointing to serve as a priest. You do not need another person to go before God on your behalf. You can go directly to the Father through Jesus.
You are freed from all sin to live for God as His king and priest. Accept your office. Use your authority in prayer to bring God's will to pass in the earth. As you minister unto God, He will equip you to minister to the needs of others.
Prayer: Lord, help me fulfil my purpose as a priest in your Kingdom.
Scriptural Reading: Revelation 1:1-8