And one cried to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!" Isaiah 6:3
The Church has lost this high and exalted view of God. We've
I grown so cozy with God that we forget who He really is. We have embraced the comfort of His nearness and ignored His holiness. We have emphasised the security of His love at the expense of His transcendence. God dwells in unapproachable light. The Bible teaches that no one can see God and live. He is high and lifted up. He is the awesome God.
We need a right view of God. One of the clearest pictures in all of Scripture is found in Isaiah chapter 6. God gave Isaiah a glimpse, just a glimpse, of who He is, and the prophet fell flat on his face. That singular experience marked Isaiah's whole life, and his vision is one we desperately need today.
When the Hebrew people want to emphasise a word, they repeat it. If someone fell into a pit, that would be one thing, but if it were a deep pit, they would call it a “pit pit.” Nowhere else in all of Scripture is an attribute repeated three times. Only this and only of God: He is "holy, holy, holy."
And the smoke rose quickly to veil Isaiah's vision lest he be consumed in an instant by the moral worthiness, by the utter terror, by the majestic purity and power, by the unsearchable, unspeakable, infinite holiness of the Almighty God.
Prayer: Lord, be magnified in my heart as you open my eyes to see your glorious holiness.
Scriptural Reading: Isaiah 6:1-6