The LORD will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways. Deuteronomy 28:7
God does not promise us a life without enemies. What He promises us is victory over the conspiracies of our enemies. Who is an enemy? Webster's Dictionary describes an enemy in part as 'one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent'.
The ultimate enemy for a child of God is Satan. However, there are human beings who off and on play the role of enemies in our lives. Apart from that, certain conditions of life and situations we encounter may also become our 'enemies' such as sicknesses, poverty, ignorance and low self-esteem.
Enemies can either ‘rise against us or 'come out against' us. Both postures are postures of challenge. An enemy's challenge or attack is designed to drive fear into us so that we turn and run away.
God promises that when we walk in obedience before Him, He will cause two things to happen to our enemies.
- 'They will be defeated before your face! That means God will give us a visible victory. It will not happen behind your back but right in front of you.
- ‘They shall flee before you seven ways'. God will rout our enemies in battle and scatter their plans and conspiracies on the winds.
When evil conspiracies multiply against you, don't be afraid. Today your enemies may seem formidable; tomorrow they will be defeated and scattered.
Prayer: Lord, arise on my behalf and cut short the expectation of my enemies.
Scriptural Reading: Deuteronomy 28:1-14