Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.” Acts 10:34
God is no respecter of persons. He will come through on your behalf no matter who you are, your race or nationality. When you know who you are in Christ Jesus, then there is no one who can stop you from succeeding in life. Putting your trust and faith in God will always cause you to rise above the circumstances of life and be on top.
God will deliver you like He delivered the three Hebrew boys in Daniel chapter three. The word 'deliver' in this context means to leave free.
In Daniel chapter three we see three Hebrew boys by the name of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They had become high government officials - Jews in Babylon. Hence, they were the wrong people, the wrong race, even in the wrong country. But that doesn't matter to God, it didn't matter to them, and it shouldn't matter to you either when men try to keep you down.
You can still be on top, because nobody can keep you down, when your trust is in God. God didn't create you to fail. He created you to win. Because your faith is in Him, no one can bring you down. All you need is faith in God, because you and God are a majority
Those who are opposed to righteousness always have a scheme. But the Lord will bring all their schemes to nothing. Because you are a child of God, and have put your trust in Him, he will surely bring you to your high places. You will succeed and become prosperous in Jesus' name!
Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit for confidence and boldness to dream big and achieve extraordinary things to His glory.
Scriptural Reading: Acts 10:34-43