Stay updated with messages in video, audio and daily devotional from Dr. Mensa Otabil.

[DAY 27] 40 Days of Power

Personal – 5am to 8am
1. Thank the Lord for counting you worthy to partake of His holiness; ask for grace
to pursue holiness all the days of your life.
2. Ask God for His grace to overcome every weight and secret sin that corrupts
your holiness; declare that the blood of Jesus has cleansed you from every sin
3. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you completely today; pray that you will grow in your
walk with the Lord and be holy just as He is.
Family and Church – 8am to 11am
4. Commit your entire family to the Lord and ask Him to make them trees of
righteousness for His name's sake.
5. Pray that every member of your family will bear the fruits of holiness and
righteousness; pray that they will be daily transformed into the image of Christ.
6. Ask the Lord to renew His covenant with the church and establish us as agents
of change and righteousness in our communities.
Productivity, Career and Business – 11am to 2pm
7. Ask God to release His Spirit into every organization engaged in unethical
business practices in the country; pray that God will deliver them from the
bondage of sin.
8. Intercede for all students, teachers and lecturers in all educational institutions;
pray that they will be filled with the desire to make God's righteousness their
9. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to empower every believer to become ambassadors
of Christ wherever they find themselves.
Nation, Continent and Global – 2pm to 5pm
10. Pray for a massive revival in the country during this year's 40 Days of Power and
ask that the fear of God will come upon everyone.
11. Bring into captivity every thought, affinity, choice and action that leads the
country into ungodliness; declare that the Word of God will be the guide in Jesus'
12. Thank God for His Spirit of holiness that rests upon all the nations of the world.
Declaration – 8pm
In the name of Jesus, I declare that I am more than a conqueror. Today, I boldly
confess that I am the righteousness of God in Christ. Just as He is in heaven, so
am I on earth. I am set apart for God's own purpose. Therefore, I will walk in
truth and uprightness. I will wait on the Lord for He is my salvation. Amen!