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Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 1:2
To see us through life's difficulties, God provides us with His protection and peace. But protection doesn't mean that troubles won't occur.
God's peace is not dependent upon the calming of our circumstances or the removal of external pressures. It doesn't mean the absence of conflict either. The peace of God is irrespective of circumstances. Even in the midst of trouble, we can still enjoy the peace of God.
His promised peace comes in three ways. . First, Jesus Himself becomes our peace. He is the Prince of Peace.
He does not just give peace; He is the peace. When we receive Him into our lives, we receive peace into our lives. The source of peace is Christ Jesus Himself. He gives us peace through His presence, His power, His provision and His protection. Second, when we're in a right relationship with the Lord, we have the ability to live at peace with our fellow man. Through Christ, we have the power to choose forgiveness, to keep no record of wrongs, and to show love to our enemies. Living a life that is free from all bitterness and strife releases us to live our lives in wholeness. Thethird way His promised peace comes is through the transforming work of the Holy Spirit. As He works within us, He helps us to see life from God's point of view. Instead of being overwhelmed by the daily challenges of life, we learn to trust in the Lord and to rejoice in
His grace. That brings us a sense of inner tranquillity. As a child of God, you will experience the daily obstacles and struggles common to all humanity. But even though you are not immune to life's day-to-day challenges, you have the power of Jesus Christ to help you win not only the big battles, but the little daily battles as well.
Prayer: Thank the Lord for His peace that surpasses all understanding; command troubling situations in your life to be still.
Scriptural Reading: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12