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The Power Of The Cross 2

By Dr. Mensa Otabil

The Power Of The Cross 2

Romans 6:5–7; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 2:13–17 
On the Cross…
  • Our old nature died with Christ: the Sin of Adam 
  • The body of sin died with Christ: our own sins 
  • The requirements of the Law were nailed with Christ 
  • Galatians 3:10–14 

  • To be diminished 
  • To be punished 
  • To be made miserable 

The curse of the law
  • The punishment and misery suffered for disobeying the law 

Deuteronomy 11:26–29; 27:11–26; 28:15–24  
  • Breaking the law resulted in great misery and wretchedness
  • On the cross, Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law
  • On the cross, Christ gave us access to God’s grace and mercy 

The blessing of Abraham 
  • Genesis 12:1–3 
  • Genesis 13:14–17 
  • Genesis 14:18–20 
  • Genesis 15:4–6 
  • Genesis 17:1–6 
  • Genesis 22:13–18 

  • The blessing of Covenant with God 
  • The blessing of Righteousness through faith 
  • The blessing of increase and greatness 
  • The blessing of possessions - assets and resources 

  • The blessing of deliverance from his enemies 
  • The blessing of producing kings and nations 
  • The blessing of becoming a blessing to the world 

God bless you