The hand of the diligent will rule, But the lazy man will be put to forced labour. (Proverbs 12:24)
A diligent hand is a working hand. But it is more than a working hand. The word, ‘diligent’, as used in this passage, carries the idea of being sharp and focused. It refers to showing intelligence and intensity in our work. It also speaks about doing our work with joy and enthusiasm.
The verse contrasts two different approaches to work and their consequences. One approach to work makes the worker rule or attain mastery; the other approach to work puts the worker to forced labour. Which of these two kinds of workers would you want to be? Obviously, the first is preferable. The worker who rules applies diligence, intelligence and intensity to their work.
God does not just want us to labour. Neither does He want us to do work that gives us no sense of fulfillment. Our Creator expects us to enjoy what we do, and give our best in all our endeavours.
The Lord does not want His children to feel like slaves on their job. He wants us to do our work as if we owned it, even if we are not the owners of the business. That requires diligence from us.
When we find out what God wants us to do with the gifts He has blessed us with, we must do all we can to use those gifts as part of our worship. We cannot claim to have received our talents from the Lord and use them as if He has no interest in how we do our work.
Of course, the Lord takes an interest in how diligently we do our work. He watches out for our faithfulness in little things before entrusting us with more important things.
There are things we can do to demonstrate our diligence with the work God has given us:
1. The first is WHEN WE SHOW UP for work. If we are habitually late for work, we will be marked as being lazy.
2. The second is THE THOUGHT WE GIVE to our work. We must think deeply about our work and engage our minds in finding creative solutions to the problems we face at work.
3. The third is COMMITTING TO THE IDEALS of your workplace. Be part of the team at work. Support others to achieve results.
That is how we show diligence with the work of our hands. As we show diligence, the Lord will cause us to always rise to the top.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to be diligent in my work. I commit to joyfully doing what you have called me to do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 12:22-28