Scripture Reading: Luke 15:11-24
I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you." - Luke 15:18
In the course of life's journey, there is often the need to change direction or make a U-turn. This is either because you made a wrong choice or a particular decision is not working. In such situations, boldly persisting on the wrong path takes us to the wrong destination. Being bold about something does not, necessarily, make you right. When you're on the wrong path, speed is not an asset. God wants us to repent and turn away from wrong ways of doing things. The error God brings to your attention is the error he wants to deliver you from. How did the prodigal son successfully make a U-turn after many days of wasteful living?
- Full Realisation: He came to himself and began asking questions.
- Inner Reasoning: The more questions he asked the more he listened to his inner voice of conviction.
- Personal Resolve: He took responsibility for his situation when he said to himself “I will arise and go to my father.”
- Advance Rehearsal: He rehearsed his statement of appeal over and over. Repeatedly doing something mentally gives you the impetus to attempt it physically.
- Facing Reality: Knowing what he had done, he felt he was no longer sonship material. He was happy to serve rather than stay among pigs. Repentance is doing the right thing and not taking short-cuts.
- Arose: He went beyond good intentions. It takes courage to act on one's intentions to bring them into fruition.
- Made The Journey Back: If we keep going in the right direction, we will eventually arrive at the right destination.
Prayer: Lord, help me to evaluate my life and to make a U-Turn if I find myself on the wrong road.