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Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-9
So Abram departed as the LORD had spoken to him, and Lot went with Jim. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. - Genesis 12:4
When God instructed Abram to depart from Haran to a place of TV promise, He spoke to him alone. The directive was to leave his father's house to a place God would show him. However, Abram moved with his nephew Lot. While one would excuse it as a minor tag', the same Lot would later turn round to struggle with Abram over the blessings God bestowed on him.
The concept of tagging is very familiar in social media spaces, especially on Facebook. The question is, who are you carrying with you on your journey of destiny? Who are you asking to marry you? Who are you inviting to be part of your new venture, school, business or ministry? At the inception of any venture or project, people literally dole out positions, shares and titles. It is often because the perceived value at inception is low. This could also be due to loneliness, insecurity or lack of judgment.
These poor choices, however, often come back to hurt us with time, especially as things grow and we become more successful. A 'partner' who tags along but does not share your sense of vision, principles and values could later become a major hindrance to your progress. Look at your life today. Ask God to open your eyes and expose every ‘Lot' who is tagging along today only to rise up and contend with your blessings tomorrow.

Prayer: Father, surround me with the right people who will stand with me and support the vision you have placed in my heart.