When the Philistines heard that David had been crowned king of Israel, they tried to capture him; but David was told that they were coming and went into the stronghold. The Philistines arrived and spread out across the valley of Rephaim. Then David asked the Lord, 'Shall I go out and fight against them? Will you defeat them for me?' 2 Samuel 5:17-19
When you are about to enter your destiny, there is always opposition from Satan designed to prevent you from fulfilling your destiny.
When Jesus was born, Herod tried to kill him. When Jesus was baptised and fasted 40 days, Satan came to tempt Him in an effort to derail his destiny. When David was anointed king over Israel, God's destiny for his life was revealed for all to see. So, Satan raised up the Philistines to try and kill David's destiny.
However, in response, we see David do two things. First, he retreats to his stronghold. It is a place of protection. It is a quiet place. Second, he inquires of God. It is here that he inquires of God for the strategy to defeat his enemy. God reveals it to him and he goes on to defeat the Philistines. In fact, David never lost a battle because he learned to inquire of God for the strategy to defeat his enemies.
Do you know God's intended destiny for your life? Beware of Satan's strategy to attack you in the place of your destiny. His desire is to take you off this divine path.
We must follow David's example in response to the enemy of our souls. We must retreat to our stronghold, seek the Lord, and listen for His voice. Then, we will fulfil the purpose for which God created us.
Prayer: Lord, I bring my life and destiny under the cover of your blood, and declare by faith that I shall fulfill my destiny.
Scriptural Reading: 2 Samuel 5:17-25