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We Walk By Faith And Not By Sight 2

By Dr. Mensa Otabil

We Walk By Faith And Not By Sight 2

2 Corinthians 5:6–8 

  • Our sight enables us to see earth’s reality 
  • Our faith enables us to see heaven’s possibility 
  • When faith walks in, sight walks out; when sight walks in, faith walks out 

2 Corinthians 4:17–18
Things which are seen – temporary

  • Our present affliction 

Things which are not seen – eternal

  • The weight glory before us 

Genesis 15:1–6

  • Inside the tent: the earthly view
  • Inward-looking – places limitations on self: ‘seeing I go childless’ 
  • Small-minded – places limitations on God: ‘look, you have given me no offspring’ 

Outside the tent: The heavenly view
Upward-looking – sees outside its limitations: ‘look now toward heaven’
Unrestricted view – sees unlimited possibilities. ‘So shall your descendants be’

1 Peter 1:6–9 

  • Genuine faith will be tested 
  • Genuine faith loves God even when He is not seen 
  • Genuine faith rejoices because of what is believed
  • Genuine faith receives in the end  

God bless you