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He Makes All Things New

By Dr. Mensa Otabil

He Makes All Things New

Mark 16:1–7 

  • A new day: ‘very early in the morning’ 
  • A new beginning: ‘the first day of the week’  
  • A new life: ‘the sun had risen’ 

A new Covenant  Hebrews 12:22–24 
  • He took away the old covenant 
  • He established a better covenant
  • He opened a new and living way to God

A New Creation 2 Corinthians 5:17–19 
  • He took away our old nature  
  • He put a new spirit in us 
  • He empowered us to live victoriously

A New Commandment John 13:34–35 
  • He became our standard and example of love 
  • He poured the love of God into our hearts 
  • He made love the basis of all we do 

A New City Revelation 21:1–5 
  • He gave us a new and living hope 
  • He went to prepare a new eternal home for us

God bless you